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Saatchi & Saatchi and Nescafé drive growth across entire retail coffee category with 'Now's Good' campaign

Toby Aldred, Managing Director of Saatchi & Saatchi Australia and Martin Brown, General Manager, Beverages for Nestlé Oceania and Chair of the AANA, sat down to discuss the latest success of their Now's Good campaign in The Australian's The Growth Agenda.

There's no doubt that Australia is one of the most sophisticated coffee cultures in the world. With a retail coffee market worth $1.3 billion, it has endless options, multiple established brands, continuous innovation, and loyal consumer behaviours.

Together, Saatchi & Saatchi Australia and Nescafé seized the opportunity to reverse product decline, drive behaviour change in consumers and drive growth in the entire retail coffee category with their Now's Good campaign. With the combination of simple storytelling and a truly powerful customer insight, they achieved incredible results.

“When we celebrate great advertising, we often look at the explosive growth of something new, shiny and different and how the creativity showcases the excitement, innovation and novelty of the product or brand. It’s arguably a lot harder to take an established brand in an established segment and drive significant behaviour change...Taking a brand like Nescafe and driving a significant growth in cups of coffee in a sophisticated coffee market like Australia, that’s rare, and we’re really proud of the results.” said Martin Brown.

Photo of Vicki Anderson, PMX New Zealand's Head of Investment

“From our perspective, it’s less long versus short, or performance versus brand, rather it is memorable versus unmemorable…That is the biggest challenge in the industry, [and] it’s the biggest opportunity. There’s so much work that’s average and unfortunately, appears unmemorable. It’s a huge opportunity if you’re the one who’s brave enough to connect to the audience properly and be memorable," said Toby Aldred.

Read the interview in full here.


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